On 24th August 2018, H.E. Dr. Zhao Yanbo, the Chinese Ambassador to Botswana exchanged letters with the Hon. Matambo, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on the project of China Aid Kazungula Primary School.
Speaking at signing and exchange ceremony, Ambassador Zhao said that basic education was one of most important cooperation sectors between China and Botswana, Chinese side had provided assistance within its capability to Botswana under the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith. With a view to help Botswana side solve the shortage of education facilities, Chinese side once again assisted with the construction of a new primary school in Kazungula after the grants of primary schools in Serowe, Maun and Mmopane. He hoped that the Kazungula Primary School would provide the high-quality teaching facilities for the local community and improve the studying environment for the children.
In his remarks, Minister Matambo appreciated the support and help from the Chinese side on the education and other relevant sectors, and pointed out that the school project would improve the teaching facilities in the area of Kazungula.